Single-serve packets are a popular packaging solution for many foods, beverages, personal care, and health products because they’re sleek, convenient, and versatile. The packets are printed on durable, pliable material and shipped on ready-to-fill rolls. During packaging, the packet material goes through a machine that forms, fills, and seals to create finished products. Keep reading for more details on the benefits of single-serve packets.
Please note that we only print the single-serve packets and supply the ready-to-convert rolls to packaging companies. To package your product, you will need packaging equipment or a co-packer. See below for details.
Products That Use Single-Serve Packets »
Marketing Benefits of Single-Serve Packets »
Packaging Equipment and Co-Packers » Packet Printing at Consolidated Label Co. »
Products That Use Single-Serve Packets
Whether your product is solid, a gel, or a powder, single-serve packets can handle different product consistencies. Here are some of the most popular markets using packets:
- Pills/capsules
- Vitamins
- Cosmetics
- Lotions
- Food bars
- Food gels
- Drink powder mixes
- Sports energy gels
- Shampoos/conditioners
- Hair styling products
Another popular type of single-serve packet is stick packs. With their long and slender shape, they work great for single drink powder mixes because their shape makes it easy to pour contents into a narrow opening like a water bottle.
Marketing Benefits of Single-Serve Packets
Single-serve packets can be great for sales and marketing too! Thanks to their small size and durable construction, packets are easily transported, making them great for promotions and retail. Here are different ways single-serve packets can boost your marketing strategy:
- Promote a new product with a sample size version
- Attach packets to marketing collateral or full-sized products
- Pass out samples at events and in stores
- Sell as a travel or sample size version of an existing product
- Include packets in thank you gifts, swag bags, welcome kits, etc.
- Obtain customer information through a “Request a Free Sample” form
Whether you’re launching a new product or spreading the word on an existing one, single-serve packets are an eye-catching and portable addition to promotions. Before you can start using them for your next promotion, however, you’ll need to have the right packaging equipment or co-packer to transform the printed packet material into the final product.
Packaging Equipment and Co-Packers
To package your products into single-serve packets, you will need a form-fill-seal (FFS) machine. There are two types of FFS machines to suit different products: horizontal and vertical (HFFS and VFFS respectively). The main difference between the two is how the machines dispense contents into the packets. See which FFS machine will work best with your products.
- HFFS: Best suited for solid, single-item products that are easily contained and handled like candy bars, small toys, bar soaps, etc.
- VFFS: Vertical filling is best for products that are loose, granulated, mushy, or difficult to handle manually. VFFS machines are ideal for sugar, salt, liquids, chips, creams, oils, and gels.
The type of product you have will determine which machine type you should get. If you have multiple product lines that range from solid to semi-solid, both machine types will be required but having both can be challenging if you don’t have the capabilities, resources, or space. That’s where working with a co-packer can help, especially for smaller manufacturers.
Co-packer (short for ‘contract packer’ or ‘contract packager’) is a type of business that provides manufacturing and packaging services and is used in a variety of industries like food, beverage, health, and cosmetics. With a co-packer, you’ll be able to avoid expensive investments in manufacturing/packaging equipment and labor, while the co-packer either takes a percentage of your profits or bills you for its services. Check out the pros and cons of hiring a co-packer before you commit to one.
Packet Printing at Consolidated Label Co.
Single-serve packets are printed on paper or film material depending on the product contents, design, and budget. Paper is more cost-effective than film but it’s not as durable and only suitable for solids and powders. Film has a more high-end appearance and is ideal for greasy contents like gels and lotions. Not only we do we print single-serve packets, but other types of flexible packaging as well like wrappers, sachets, and stick packs. If you will be using packets for a food product, please let us know to ensure that the material is safe for food contact.
Jumpstart your packet order today with a custom quote, call us at 1-800-475-2235, email sales@consolidatedlabel.com, or fill out the contact form below.